Top 5 Best ways to Keep in touch with grandchildren

Children are like the blossoming flowers who need care, love, and support at each and every point of life. At times they need to be scolded for mistakes they make not because they made a mistake but to rectify them and ensure that they do not repeat the same.

But what about Grandchildren? What to do when it comes to them? Of course, they have options in the category of people to go to when they have issues. But what can you do to ensure that your grandchild comes to only and only you at times when they need someone they can trust is definitely in your own hands. It is the task of grandparents to keep their grandchildren connected to them. And this does not happen in one night, after all, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”.

Here are a few tips to ensure that your grandchildren remain connected to you at each and every point, in other words, the best way to keep in touch with your grandchildren.

1. Support them

   What children expect is support. There are times when parents are too stubborn to let children do things on their own. This is the time when they need someone to support them. It's not necessary that you support them in each and every matter but there are times where children are correct and parents are not. This is the time they need the benefit of the doubt. And this one step could take you closer to them.

     2. Respect them


    When children are young, they are prone to be mistreated many times. And they do expect respect. You must be wondering that they are just kids. But nowadays the upcoming generation is too advanced and they understand the meaning of respect better than you used to when you were at their age. And they know that being a human being they do deserve respect. And what does it really take just a bit of your patience and a show of kindness and they’ll be by no choice inclined towards you.

      3. Spend time with them

    This is the most important part which you need to play to stay connected to them. And this becomes easier if you give them some of your time. It will make them realize that they matter to you and not only that it will also help them see your other side. The side where you show them how much you really love them.

   4. Entertain them


    Children love to be entertained. They love to with people of their kind and you can not be of their age what you can be the kind of people they would love to have around. You could take them out to the garden or maybe to a movie. Or you could simply sit at home and play games with them – the kind they like. This is the most important part which parents miss and this may be your chance as a grandparent to bring them closer to you.

   5. Bring them gifts


    Children love gifts and as a matter of fact, it never remains hidden. And by gifts, it doesn’t mean that you should gift them something costly to make them happy. You could simply bring a small toy to surprise them or you could cook something they love to eat the most. And let me add a bonus to the article. The sixth point which is,

     6. Talk to them


    The most important factor that can connect you to them is by talking. Communication is the best way to stay connected to someone. You talk to people to make yourself feel better and children love to talk. Ask them how their day went, or if they had a fight with some of who their best friend is. You ask them about anything and they’ll love to talk to you.

                               And to conclude these tips are just the highlights. There are so many ways to stay connected to your grandchildren and no tips in the world can contain them all. After all, they are your grandchildren and who knows a child better than their parents.

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