Secret behind long life in Japan

Japan is the only country which is on the top in technology and fitness sector. In Japan, people live a long life that's why its considered maximum old age people. People here live the longest & healthiest life span. Many people think its just genes who can help to live longer but it's not true.

1. Keep surrounding clean: 

They always keep clean their streets, living areas, and themself. Japanese people take 2 showers every day. Also, the Japanese government made many public baths for people so they can get a bath whenever they want. They think if the surrounding area is clean then they can stay fit and without illness.

2. Metabo Law(Obesity Tax): 

Japan's government made some laws for fat people. They made some boundaries for tummy size. So, if you are fat than the size of boundaries then you have to pay tax to the government. People between the age of 40 to 75 are required to get annual waistline measurements where the boundary size of the male is 3.3 inch and female is 3.5 inch.

So, people keep them fit and do daily exercise. By the order of Japanese government children only eat food full of nutrition which is served by schools and colleges.

3 Universal Health Care: 

By the end of 1960, the Japanese government made rules according to health. Under this rule, every citizen of Japan must have to do 12 times full body checkup in 1 year means 1 in a month. By the regular checkup, they don't feel any stress according to health and without any depression and stress, they live longer.

Every day in the morning people do exercise which is known as Rajio Taiso. In the morning music plays on the radio and all the people do exercise.

4. Lesser the usage of Private vehicles: 

Well, people in every country use costly bikes and cars whereas the Japanese use bicycles or public vehicles. For this purpose, pollution is decreased and they can burn their fat. If people have any car in japan then its a symbol of luxury life. They also prefer to walk in a short distance.

They also spend their free time in the park and in public areas rather than sit in the house. They play games with children and their belongings do some extra activities like planting, painting and exploring.

5. Follow a strict diet: 

Nutrition diet is key to a long and fit life. They prefer boiled food in the place of roasted food and fast food. They generally eat rice, vegetables, fruits and seafood which contains many carbohydrates and low fat. Red meat is prohibited for health-conscious people because it contains a lot of fat. They also eat dairy products in low amounts.

The traditional way to eat: They eat food in a very classic type. They use Small plates, bowls, and chopsticks to eat the food. With the help of small plates and bowls, they take a low amount of food and chopstick consists of less food than a spoon. So, food is finish in a slow manner and people think they eat much already. They consume 80% of food because after 20 min you get a signal and when you are full then this is very harmful to your body and for your fitness and health. So, they keep their tummy to 20% empty. They don't use or see anything while eating they just focus on food.  

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